
Peacetree Candles is a division of Soaring Eagle Native Arts & Crafts. We make a variety of  100% soy sweetgrass pillar and container candles.  We also offer several other fragrances.  All our candles are hand-crafted on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.  

If you are a store/business with a government business number, you may purchase from our wholesale division.  

Minimum first order is $200 (cash or COD).  You must purchase $500 (or more) per year to retain your wholesale status.

Enjoy browsing our unique candle products and e-mail, fax or phone in your order!
PHONE:  613-396-6530
FAX:  613-396-6314
EMAIL:  soaringeaglearts@gmail.com


Peacetree Candles